Net Worth…the Value of a Man???
Net Worth— it’s the measure of a person, for some. Ooohhh how important it is to those who scale themselves to others. It’s so important that Forbes Magazine ranks it. Fortune lauds it. The Harvard Business Review studies it. Society acclaims it and Bloomberg reports it. Net worth: the benchmark, the scale, and indicator for so many who use it as a tool for evaluation sake.
Often it’s used as the “I’ve made it mark.” And those whom don’t possess it often behave like they do. Furthermore, far too many people tie identities and assign value to accumulated wealth, job titles and professional achievements.
All such accomplishments are good and noble but only to the extent in which they are used to bless others. I understand this. I’ve lived this for many yearts—in a lie that told me my identity and purpose was tied to materialism, status, titles, and affirmation from others. It is a deceitful trap that destroys so many talented and gifted professionals.
So, is net worth a bad thing? I wouldn’t say that. I’d actually argue that net worth is a good thing except when it’s used to determine the “REAL” value of a person. Fact is, I’d argue that net worth as a financial indicator is a valuable tool people should use more often. In an age of materialism and run-away consumer (and government) debt, it probably should be discussed further and taught more frequently on how to actually acquire it in higher positive levels.
Here’s the problem, however. Too many assign value on people based on it. It happens in business, in churches and in our collective culture. In the Western culture we often use net worth as a unit of measurement that determines if a person is successful—or not. Furthermore, our society places wealth and money above what’s really important—God.
Look, God isn’t against wealth. Fact is, He’s all for it; just not when people exalt it above Him. Just take for example the rich young ruler found in Mark 10:17-22. God didn’t have an issue with the ruler being rich. He had an issue with the young ruler’s heart being far from God and that he placed money as the highest priority in his life.
On the contrary, take a look at Solomon (1 Kings 3:6-14). Solomon placed God first and asked for wisdom to lead God’s great people. As a result of putting God and people first, Solomon was blessed with amazing wisdom and great wealth beyond anything the world has ever seen. It’s all about our priorities and what we truly value that’s the issue here.
This begs the question and takes us to the boilerplate subject: what determines worth? What is the real value of a person? Is a person successful if they have material possessions, titles, achievement or fame in abundance?
To answer such questions, one must first understand that value is placed on a product or service based on what someone is willing to pay. Real value is assigned founded on what someone is willing to give up in exchange for something else. It’s true for products, services, real estate, stocks, livestock and anything else that come to market.
So again, what is the price and value of a person? The answer is simply this: it’s the price that God was willing to pay. He willing gave His Beloved Son in exchange for mankind, and Jesus willingly endured the cross for the joy that was before Him (you and me). That, my friend, is simply the amazing truth. He was willing to pay the ultimate price. Here’s what is written in the book of Hebrews about this:
“…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him (People) endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 NKJV (Emphasis added)
He placed so much value on you that He gave up everything, risked everything to get you back; to bring you into the family of God.
That is, my friend, the “REAL” and “TRUE” value placed on your life, my life, and everyone else that’s walked this Earth. God has determined your value and He has determined your worth. He determined this by what He was willing to pay—everything.
So do you want to be wealthy—by God’s definition? Do you really want to be rich—by His standards? Do you want to accumulate “Real NET WORTH?” Then Follow Solomon’s example and put God first and make serving others a priority—then watch Him bless your socks off.
“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22NKJV