Is Jeremiah 29:11 one of your favorite Bible verses? “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
- What exactly is God’s plan for you?
- Do you wish God would just tell you the “what” so you could then you could do “it.”
- What if there is a different approach?
Are you a human “doer” instead of being? I was for too many years! (and can easily get back to striving if I’m not self-aware) I was trying to do things to become something, and to get God to bless me. I was always striving to perform to be in God’s will. Then one day, my eyes, ears and heart were opened to what was God’s original plan for mankind. What did He intend from the very beginning, and how did Jesus fit into that? What if God’s will was different from what I had been taught?
In episode 52 of the Created To Thrive Podcast, I share five things that God originally intended when He created mankind, what sin did to interfere with that, and how Jesus restored that plan. When you understand what salvation really means and what is available to you, you will fulfill God’s plan for you!
This is a segment from a live workshop I recently did called, “How To Live In God’s Best!”
Get My FREE Gift: Get this workshop!
Grab my biblical blueprint that reveals:
- What is God’ Best for us?
- How can we access it?
- What does salvation actually mean?
- How to believe and receive your authentic value, identity and purpose!
- Yes, please!!!
In the hour workshop, I share my biblical blueprint and have some activations where you can hear directly from the Lord yourself.