The advent season is upon us and many people are hearing the “Christmas Story” as told in the Bible from the gospel of Luke, chapters one and two. While a lot of very important information and truth is contained in these chapters, I want to only share select verses that changed the way I now live.
The obvious emphasis is the miraculous birth of Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior. He is God’s redemptive plan for reconciling man to God. Not so obvious however, is Mary’s cooperation with God’s plan. Although God is Almighty and His Word created us and the entire universe, etc., Mary had a choice to play in the fulfillment of God’s plan. That choice you ask? She could either agree with what God spoke through His angel Gabriel or allow her lack of understanding/human reasoning to interfere with God’s plan and purpose.
1. The Word of God has power to fulfill itself.
- “For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)
- “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
God’s Word has all of the power it needs to accomplish its purpose. However, He has given authority over the earth to mankind, so legally He must have a human to cooperate with His Word. God gave to mankind a “free will” to choose for him/herself. (Genesis 2)
2. Mary had to cooperate with God. She had to be in agreement with God’s word and believe Him above her circumstances. She had to yield her will to God’s and not allow fear or human reasoning to block God’s Word from working in her life. Although Mary questioned how this miracle could happen, given her circumstances, what she said next was the deciding factor:
- “Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
The result of her submitting her will to God’s:
- “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45)
There is always blessing in choosing God’s way.
3. Mary rejoiced and sang unto the Lord, magnifying Him. (Luke 1:46-55)
Mary didn’t magnify the impossibilities of her situation or consider how “lowly” of a person she was, nor allow fear of what others might think, say or do to her. She wasn’t self-focused but God-focused! She put herself in a position to receive a miracle by believing God. Mary chose to rejoice and sing.
My life changed when I received this revelation several years ago. For too many years I was waiting for God to perform His Word in my life, yet I wasn’t completely surrendered or yielded to do His will completely. I allowed human reasoning, fear and doubt to interfere with what the Lord was instructing me to do. I also was too focused on me—my limitations, my inabilities, my circumstances, etc. I didn’t “understand” how it would work or what it would look like, so too-often I discounted God’s Word. His Word had all of the power in it to accomplish its purpose, but it lacked my cooperation and my focusing on His ability, His goodness, His power. His promises are Yes! and Amen! in Christ, yet they are not automatic…they require my faith (belief and trust) to activate them.
What are you facing right now that seems impossible?
Has God spoken to your heart something that seems impossible?
Are you needing a miracle for yourself or for someone else?
I encourage you to follow Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and cooperate with God’s Word! You will be blessed for believing Him to perform His Word!
Merry Christmas!
Lori Snyder