In order to eliminate Weight, we need to examine the spirit, soul and body connection to live in whole heart!
My passion is to help people thrive in all aspects of life and live in whole health.
The health and wellness industry talk a lot about exercising and restricting foods in order to lose weight, but there are some other key components to being healthy.
In this episode, I was a guest on my close friend’s podcast, the Shine With Frannie Show, and we get very real to discuss some topics that most people are very embarrassed about but have issues with: digestion, bowel movements and emotional/mental pain. We are a three part being: spirit, soul and body. We have to address each of these areas if we want to experience Life the way God intends for us!
Frannie shares some of her weight loss journey, but specifically how after she lost her first 70lbs, her weight plateaued and as a result, she stopped having regular bowel movements. When the doctor told her that she would “just have to learn to adjust” to being severely constipated, she began trying everything she could find to change her dilemma: Metamucil, Miralax, psyllium husk, cleanses, detoxes, colonics and enemas, but nothing worked. However, over the years and most recently in the last two years, she learned that there are other key contributing factors to her lack of regularity. Her soul needed to release toxins she was impacted with.
My Miracle:
Eliminating weight of my soul:
I share my own health journey of overcoming PCOS and IBS and my journey to wholeness from the inside out. My soul was sick with bitterness, anger, unforgiveness…toxins the negatively affected my physical body and digestion. As I learned to “release” the “weight” I was carrying I experienced healing in my body.
Yet, we didn’t really see breakthrough in our bathroom issues until we started restoring and rebalancing our gut health with special formulated plant-based supplements. It’s been another key to living in whole health! You might have heard it say, “You are only as healthy as your gut is healthy.” We are living proof!
We pray this blesses you and helps you find freedom (and regularity, too!) To learn more about the natural supplements Frannie and I are taking, message me at
To learn more about Frannie, connect with her here:
IG & FB: @shinewithfrannie
Podcast: Shine With Frannie Show