My husband, Fred and I both struggled with fear and wrong mindsets that limited us from experiencing the life God intended for us.
What we believe about God and ourselves will determine how we live. Too often, past experiences and limiting beliefs keep us from becoming who God created us to be.
In these two podcasts, Fred shares his transformation journey of how he went from fear to living by faith. He had to receive God’s unconditional love for himself and then renew his mind and establish his heart to align with God’s Word, in order to move forward into all that God purposed for him and us.
If you desire to remove the barriers, learn how to trust God to move forward in faith, then click on the pictures below to listen to these podcast episodes. If I can pray for you in any way, please leave me a message!
*Fred is the author of the book: Scoring Runs & Winning Games! The Process of Becoming A Champion.

Episode #20: How To Overcome Fear & Trust God.
Episode #21: From Fear To Faith: A Transformation Journey With Fred Snyder