Jesus said unless we are like children, we won’t see the kingdom of God active in our lives—His blessings and true way of living. Children receive gifts with joy and that is how God wants us to receive from Him – freely and with joy. …Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24
In episode 50 of the Created To Thrive Podcast, I am sharing one of my group mentoring sessions from 2021, to help you grow in receiving from the Lord, and to walk in His fullness of life. I have prayer and activations towards the end, so make sure you listen to the entire teaching to receive what He wants to share with you.
If you struggle with unworthiness in receiving gifts, thinking you haven’t done enough to deserve one, then listen up and participate in these activations and you will be blessed!
We are His children and He desires that we live in His fullness and are expressions of Him on the earth. We are all on a journey of growing and knowing God more intimately. I want to help you go to a higher level in your faith journey!
Have you signed up for my FREE live workshop “How To Live in God’s Best!”?
It’s on Wednesday, September 7th at 8PM EST (7CST/6/MST/5PST) and I invite you to join me.
*There will be replays for those who cannot attend live.
I want to help you receive and activate God’s Best, so you can thrive personally, relationally and professionally.
Be sure you are subscribed to this Created To Thrive Podcast!
Also, would you share this with a friend or two? It helps me spread the Good News of the Gospel, to transform lives!