Seven years ago, a woman I had recently met asked me, “What are you believing God for, Lori?” This question caught me off guard, as I had never been asked that before by anyone. It caused me to really pause and think about IF and WHAT I was BELIEVING God for. — Not what was I praying/asking or even wanting, but believing for. In other words, what did I see in the Word of God that I was believing to come to pass in my life.
The promises of God are not automatic. They require us to believe and cooperate with God. We inherit them through faith and patience. We have to program our minds to agree with God, speak forth His Word, and actively move in faith while at the same time resist everything that comes against His Word in our lives. This includes fear, doubt and unbelief which are enemy’s of the faith. We then stand on His Word and not let circumstances dictate what we believe. Faith also works by love, so we need to continually abide/keep ourselves in His love for us. He loves us unconditionally and is ALWAYS for us!
The day Nancy asked me that profound question was a turning point in my life. Fred and I are living proof of what God will do in your life when you choose to believe Him and then walk by faith and not by sight!
All of His promises are YES and AMEN in Him!
If you are “in Christ” then His promises are for you.