God has great plans and a future for you, to thrive in all aspects of life. Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free. We must give Him permission to allow their process of freedom to take place and root out lies that hinder us from moving forward.
In episode #25 of the Created To Thrive Podcast, Fred and I share some key lessons we learned from going through marital reconciliation, to rebuild our lives upon God’s firm foundation. Fred, who is a builder by trade, uses building a house as a metaphor for the process of building your life. He describes one necessary part of the building process as “clearing the land” which is a spiritual metaphor for tearing down idols, rooting out the lies and strongholds from our past which create barriers to building the life we desire.
No matter what your situation is, here are three key things we must do in order to partner with God to live out His plans for us:
- Take “ownership” of your life. You are the only one who can choose to change and move forward in freedom and victory.
- Examine your beliefs to align with the truth of the Gospel.
- Replace lies with truth about yourself, God and others. This requires heart work: humility, surrender, repentance and forgiveness are crucial.
Key Scriptures:
Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 7:24-27, Psalm 127:1, Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 61