This is the "Created To Thrive" podcast, your go-to destination for spiritual growth, emotional health, and personal transformation. Are you tired of just surviving, feeling stuck or like you're …
Navigating Change and Life Transitions
Navigating Change and Life Transitions: Insights and Tools to Trust God to Thrive! If you're in a time of transition and looking for clarity and direction, this Created To Thrive episode is for …
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Is Social Media Stealing Your Time & Emotional Wellness? Why You Might Want To Take A Short Break with Sandy Cooper
Have you ever tracked how much time you spend on a social media platform and/or how you feel afterwards? Perhaps you just wanted to look at some family or friend’s photos but you got sucked into …
How Brainspotting Can Help You Experience Freedom, Joy & Peace with Marie Larson
Have you ever had a difficult time getting past something, or get triggered easily? Whether it's an unhealthy habit, mindset or coping strategy, we can have areas that want to keep us from …
Waiting To Receive God’s Promises
Do you have a hard time waiting, especially for a promise in God’s Word to become your reality? In our head we know we are to be patient, so we go through the process, but it’s very challenging in …
Conquer Fear With Truth!
Fear is being sold to us everywhere we turn. Fear of the unknown, fear of man, fear of war, fear of making mistakes or taking risks.... Fear is a thief that steals, kills and destroys the life that …