Fear is being sold to us everywhere we turn. Fear of the unknown, fear of man, fear of war, fear of making mistakes or taking risks…. Fear is a thief that steals, kills and destroys the life that God intends for us: one that thrives. It’s the enemy of trusting God and walking by faith.
We must recognize when we are anxious or fearful–that it’s a story we are telling ourselves that isn’t based on God’s Word, rather on past experiences, trauma, vain imaginations, wrong mindsets, etc., and then overcome all that keeps us trapped from moving forward in faith.
In Episode 33, “Conquer Fear With Truth,” Fred and Lori Snyder practically share how to conquer fear with establishing your heart in God’s Truth and love. We want you to live empowered with God’s way, truth and life!
Key Scriptures:
Jeremiah 33:3
Daniel 11:32
1 John 4:17-18
2 Timothy 1:7