God wants to connect with us in a deep and authentic way, to heal our brokenness so we can experience His freedom, joy and peace!
Spiritual growth and emotional wellness go hand-in-hand.
Emotional healing and wholeness should be a regular part of our Christian lifestyle.
Join me and Chris Cree of NewCREEations Ministries, as we discuss on his live Two For Tuesday broadcast, how we can receive the emotional desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:4)
Chris, like many had been taught if he wanted something, or enjoyed it, that’s it his flesh and not of God. He was also taught to devalue his emotions. Yet the Bible talks about when we delight ourselves in God, He gives us the desires of our hearts.
God is a heart God. We are to love Him with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength. We are spirit, soul and body.
Our soul needs to prosper so we can experience a thriving life. (3John 1:2)
Connect with Chris Cree with NewCREEations Ministries and find all of his resources at https://newcreeations.org
***Are you ready to breakthrough and experience spiritual wisdom and emotional wellness?
Contact me for a free breakthrough call.
Emotional Wellness episodes: